Indications in animals vary and most owners will recognise when their animal is in pain, or showing signs of distress. As a guide owners should consider seeking treatment if their animal displays any of the following signs:
Canine Symptoms
- Crying out when getting up
- Difficulty climbing stairs or getting into cars
- Signs of discomfort when being stroked
- A reluctance to exercise
- Stiffness or pain after exercise
- Lameness that has not been resolved through veterinary treatment
- Rehabilitation after acute trauma or operation
Equine Symptoms
- Unlevelness, especially behind
- Uneven wear of shoes
- Sore or cold backs, uneven pressure from saddles or the saddle slipping to one side
- Unexplained deterioration in usual performance
- Asymmetry, such as stiffness on one rein, or a disunited canter
- Unexplained resistances, such as napping, rearing, refusing, bucking, etc.
- Uneven muscle development or atrophy
- Lameness that has not been resolved through veterinary treatment
- Rehabilitation after acute trauma or operation